Western New York Undergraduate Psychology Conference

2021 Conference Information

Hello! Are you looking for 2021 conference information for the 2nd annual Western New York Undergraduate Psychology Conference? That information has been moved to a new site: https://ubwp.buffalo.edu/wnypsychologyconference

All future updates will be on the new website listed above. (This website will stick around for posterity's sake.) Toodles!

Poster Presentations Awards

First place for "Best Poster Presentation" of the 1st annual Western New York Undergraduate Psychology Conference goes to...

Sara Mainville 
for their poster
"The Effect of a Meal-Predictive Context on Glucose Response and Subsequent Feeding Behavior in Male and Female Sprague-Dawley Rats"

Second place for "Best Poster Presentation" of the 1st annual Western New York Undergraduate Psychology Conference goes to...

McKenzie Williams 
for their poster
"Family Factors as Moderators of the Chronic Stress-Depression Association in Adolescents"

Third place for "Best Poster Presentation" of the 1st annual Western New York Undergraduate Psychology Conference goes to...

Kyra Katz 

for their poster
"Anxiety-like behavior in the rat is associated with cocaine intake but not cocaine-directed motivation during an intermittent access cocaine self-administration procedure"

Congratulations to our award winners!

Thank you to our faculty judges!

Dr. John Edlund (Rochester Institute of Technology)
Dr. Stephani Foraker (SUNY Buffalo State College)
Dr. Stephanie Godleski (Rochester Institute of Technology)
Dr. Charles Goodsell (Canisius College)
Dr. Kimberly Kamper-DeMarco (SUNY Buffalo State College)
Dr. Dennis Poepsel (Daemen College)
Dr. Wendy Quinton (University at Buffalo)
Dr. Caitlin Szalkowski (Hilbert College)
Dr. Burt Thompson (Niagara University)

Conference Speaker

"Publishing my first scientific paper: Advice for future graduate students"

Miriam T. Stotsky, M.A., Ph.D Candidate 

Miriam (Mimi) Stotsky is a fifth year doctoral student in the Clinical Psychology Program at the University at Buffalo, SUNY. Mimi received her B.A. in Psychology from Syracuse University and her M.A. in Clinical Psychology from Columbia University. Mimi's research interests include examining the relationship between peer experiences such as acceptance, popularity, and friendship. Additionally, she is interested in social risk and protective factors in adolescent adjustment, such as social withdrawal, friendship quality, and peer treatment.

To view Mimi's talk (15 min.) click here

2020 Conference Information

The Western New York Undergraduate Psychology Conference was originally planned to be held at the University at Buffalo's north campus on Sunday, April 19th. However, due to COVID-19, the conference is now being held in an online format.


The goal of this conference is to provide an affordable and convenient opportunity for undergraduate psychology students to present their scientific findings at a research meeting. This conference is specifically designed to be open and inviting to undergraduate students and is a great transition to larger national conventions. Additionally, this conference provides an opportunity for local WNY students and faculty to meet and network. 

Registration costs

Registration is free!


The abstract submission deadline (February, 28th) has past. No more abstracts are being accepted.

The registration deadline for general attendance is March, 31st. UPDATE: Due to COVID-19 and the new online format, registration is no longer required. You will be able view research posters online during the week of April 19th.

Conference events

Poster presentations, oral presentations, a keynote speaker, and lunch will be provided! For answers to more questions, visit our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page. UPDATE: Due to COVID-19, only poster presentations will be available in the new online format. Our conference speaker has kindly recorded an abbreviated version of her talk, which you can view above!

Questions? Contact us


The University at Buffalo's Experiential Learning Network

The University at Buffalo's Department of Psychology

The University at Buffalo's Psi Chi Chapter

The University at Buffalo's Undergraduate Psychology Association (UPA)

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